
500 vegetable growers together form Cooperative Growers' Association De Schakel UA. The cooperative model involves our grower-members in decision-making. To improve the accessibility of the cooperative's board, committees have been formed consisting of growers from the Belgian and German growing regions to act as a discussion partner for the board for advice and regional representation.


In addition, the board has appointed an independent Arbitration Committee, which in the first instance will handle disputes between the contracted parties (grower and buyer) that cannot be resolved between them. The process to follow has been set out in the following arbitration regulations.


The Board

The board consists of 7 members, elected by our members. The board promotes the interests of the cooperative (affiliated growers) with regard to sales and price setting, subcontracting activities, financial results and association matters as described in the De Schakel Internal Regulations.

General Members' Meeting

At least once a year, the Board is accountable to its members at a General Members' Meeting.

De Schakel Contractteelt BV

De Schakel Contractteelt BV is the cooperation's sole subsidiary. De Schakel Contractteelt B.V. management and staff perform daily operations. From an organisational perspective, work is carried out in teams: Growing, Quality and Administration.

Common Market Organisation (CMO)

De Schakel is a growers' association recognised by the European Union and is as such eligible for EU subsidies under the CMO (Common Market Organisation) regulation. The purpose of this regulation is to strengthen the sales position of individual growers through promoting collective supply via grower associations.
