Privacy Statement
Coöperatieve Telersvereniging De Schakel UA and its subsidiary De Schakel Contractteelt BV (jointly referred to in this statement as “De Schakel”) process your personal data in accordance with the privacy legislation in force.
To whom does this Privacy Statement apply?
This Privacy Statement applies to all persons whose personal data is being processed by De Schakel.
Below is a list of the principal categories:
- Visitors to our website;
- Growers associated with De Schakel;
- Recipients of newsletters and other mail shots;
- Growers who may become associated with De Schakel;
- Customers.
What personal data is being processed by De Schakel?
De Schakel processes personal data that you have provided to us yourself, personal data generated when you visited our website and read our newsletters, and personal data derived by us from other sources.
Personal data that you provided to De Schakel:
- Contact details and other personal data that are required for your membership of Coöperatieve Telersvereniging De Schakel UA and your crop-related supply and purchasing contracts;
- Personal data that you provided in relation to meetings or mail shots.
Personal data received via our website:
- Data concerning your visit to our website;
- Data concerning the device on which you visited our website, such as your IP address;
- Your interests.
Personal data received from other sources:
- Personal data obtained from the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce;
- Other personal data relating to you that we have obtained.
Why does De Schakel process your personal data?
De Schakel uses your personal data for several purposes:
- Documentation of your contract with us for your crop(s) of vegetables via De Schakel;
- Compliance with our statutory obligations under the GMO Regulation;
- Maintaining contact and communicating with you;
- Marketing activities, such as sending newsletters and other forms of marketing communication that may be of interest to you.
Protecting your data
De Schakel has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to protect your personal data against loss and against any form of unlawful processing. Persons who have access to your data on behalf of De Schakel have a duty of secrecy. De Schakel uses technological and operational security systems in order to protect personal data against loss, abuse, alteration or destruction. If you have any questions about the protection of your personal data, or if there are indications of abuse, please contact us via or call us on +31 (0)492 530450.
Engaging third parties / sharing data with third parties
In certain situations, it may be necessary for De Schakel to grant third parties access to personal data. These third parties include, but are not limited to:
- Third parties that monitor your crop on behalf of De Schakel;
- Third parties involved in the performance of the GMO Operational Programme, such as government bodies (Netherlands Enterprise Agency [Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland]) and supervisory bodies (such as the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority [Nederlandse Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit]);
- Third parties, such as regulators and other bodies, that we have to involve in order to meet our statutory obligations.
Your personal data will be disclosed to the above-mentioned third parties only for the purposes specified in this Privacy Statement.
Third parties to which we provide your personal data are themselves responsible for compliance with privacy legislation. In that situation, De Schakel will not be responsible or liable for the processing of your personal data by these third parties. Insofar as a third party processes your personal data in its capacity as processor for De Schakel and therefore acts at the request of De Schakel and in conformity with the latter’s instructions, De Schakel will conclude a data processing agreement with that third party that meets the requirements laid down in the Regulation.
There are several different grounds on which De Schakel processes personal data. The data processing may be necessary for the performance of an agreement concluded (your shipment of vegetables), or may be necessary for the fulfilment of a statutory duty arising from the GMO Regulation. In some cases we will request your explicit consent, for example for the use of particular cookies or, if you are not a client, the receipt of commercial communications.
Finally, processing operations may be based on a legitimate interest of De Schakel's, such as processing operations in the context of internal management or for the purpose of effective communication or quality improvement.
Retention periods
De Schakel will retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary in order to achieve the purposes referred to in this Privacy Statement, or for as long as De Schakel is obliged to do so by virtue of the statutory retention periods.
Your rights
You can request that De Schakel arrange for your data to be rectified, supplemented, removed or restricted if the data is incomplete, incorrect or is being processed in contravention of a statutory regulation. In addition, you have the right to ask us for the data that we hold in respect of you. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, email messages or invitations to growers’ meetings, you can unsubscribe free of charge at any time via
You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. De Schakel will cease processing your data if it has a statutory obligation to do so.
Complaints procedure
Any complaints about the processing of your data can be reported by e-mail to or in writing to Coöperatieve Telersvereniging De Schakel UA, Gerstdijk 18, 5704 RG Helmond, The Netherlands. In addition, you have the right and the option at all times to lodge a complaint about the processing of personal data by De Schakel with the Dutch Data Protection Authority [Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens].
Statement subject to change
De Schakel reserves the right to adjust or alter this Privacy Statement, for example in the event that changes occur in the processing operations or in the regulations.
In order to ensure proper use of our website and to facilitate improved navigation for our visitors, De Schakel may use cookies for the purpose of collecting aggregated data. Cookies are small text file that are stored on the user’s browser.
We may use these instruments in order to retrieve information on our systems and in order to identify particular categories of users on the basis of items such as IP address, domain, browser type and pages visited. This information is communicated to our webmasters, who use this information for the purpose of analysing visitor numbers for the various web pages and ensuring that our website functions as a useful and effective source of information.
Cookies that are not necessary for the use of the website will require your permission. When you first visit the website, your explicit consent will be requested for the use of cookies. You can set your browser in such a way that you will not receive any non-functional cookies while visiting the website. These privacy terms only apply to the use of De Schakel’s cookies. The use of cookies and other technologies used by third parties is subject to the privacy terms of those third parties.